Project Progress
No blog posts since July, but I have been maintaining the
flavour of the project with relevant finds posted on facebook, see links bar above
Have been as busy as ever
Taking a lot of time with collating and organising nearly 4 years worth of pdfs,
photos, maps, plans and watercolours that had got very very out of hand and messy on
2 drives and numerous USB fobs!!
Creating photo real textures in adobe, or buying them from
turbosquid and CGtextures
Scanning square on building photos from Reece Winstone books
for accurate ”quick wins”
Further digital Map and contour tracing
Screen dumping Britain From Above evidence
Screen dumping and re-stitching sections of zoomed in
auction catalogue watercolours
Scanning Walter Ison elevation drawings from the Georgian
Buildings of Bristol
Further photo recon trips to Redcliffe, Clifton, Cliftonwood
and the Old City including specific visits to Goldney Gardens, Royal Fort, Red
Lodge and 2 river trips
Finding loads more 18th and 19th
century Bristol digital pdf guidebook, topographical book and history book
scans in mainly north American sponsored online archives.
Practising and learning further sketchup 3d modelling
techniques and time saving and organisational tips.
Discovering dozens of relevant surviving (pre 1830) building
elevation drawing pdfs on the Bristol City Council planning applications portal
Doing gradient plans of key city streets to drape the traced
map layers over
Actual modelling work, mostly map alignment and elevation
drawing alignment including selected
buildings in King Street, Redcliffe Hill, St Nicholas church,
Back of Bridge Street, St Werburghs Church, St Stephens
church, The Pithay, Union Street, River Frome , the Cathedral and Clifton St Andrews.
Also Cornwallis Crescent, Elle Bridge Island group at the Narrow Weir watering place and St Peters Church / Hospital area as per the 3 renders below.